would like to wish every PIA member a blessed New Year, all good things for 2024. As some of you might know I had some health issues towards the end of 2023 that had me out of action in hospital. To my great relief I was discharged just before Christmas allowing me to spend the day with my family.
During my time away Donette our Vice President stepped into the Presidents role. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her support as a fellow committee member and friend. Her leadership and generosity towards me during this difficult time was truly appreciated.
The PIA Sub-Committees have hit the road running. Most have already held their first meeting of the year and chosen their Convenor who will lead the team. With the exception of the Education sub-Committee who will convene once the Universities open.
2024 is already jam packed with amazing events that will inform and inspire. A special mention is the Ian Alexander Memorial Lecture on the 13th February. This event is in memory of Ian who served both on the PIA and SAIA Practice Committee’s. The PIA is honored to be hosting this memorial lecture which will be held on an annual basis. A truly not to be missed evening diving into Practice knowledge.
The PIA membership is steady, with a small decline in part due to members migrating outside of Gauteng. It is essential that in 2024 we grow membership so that we can continue to provide the services at an affordable fee. I encourage each member to promote membership with the PIA. Sponsorship of events is also of the utmost importance to reduce the cost of events for members. Should you have any leads to possible sponsors please forward them to Mauneen and myself.
The PIA Executive, including the President, Vice President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer have new email addresses. Members are welcome to contact us should you have any concerns or if you would like to assist the committee in any way. Complaints should be addressed to Mauneen (management@pia.org.za) or the Executive Secretary so that they can be kept confidential if required.
Claire McCusker: president@pia.org.za; Donette Werkman: vicepresident@pia.org.za; Jeremie Malan: treasurer@pia.org.za and Dries Verbeek: secretary@pia.org.za
Looking forward to continuing to serve the PIA members as well as the SAIA membership nationally. Let’s thrive together in 2024!