Business Affiliates
Modena Design Centres AEC
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Ironmongery Warehouse Africa
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Supertec Ceilings and Board
View Business >The PIA is the second biggest architectural institute in South Africa, known to actively serve and promote the needs of the entire architectural profession.
The PIA, initially known as the Pretoria Architecture Society, was founded in 1945 to serve the needs of architects in Pretoria. As of June 2023, the PIA has a membership of approximately 550 members mainly from Pretoria, Johannesburg and North-West and some members in Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland and even abroad. The PIA also has a National database of approximately 6000 architectural professionals.
Our Business Affiliates and sponsors form an integral part of our institute. These established partnerships have proven to be of great value to both parties. In the current environment where direct marketing is restricted, the value derived from affiliation with the PIA should be an essential part of your marketing strategy. With marketing budgets constrained due to the current economic pressures, it makes sense to invest in opportunities that reach professionals. The PIA acknowledges the value your Business brings to the Architectural Profession. Working together we can keep our membership informed while promoting our Business Affiliates.
Over the last couple of years, the Institute’s involvement in the many design and urban planning initiatives increased, partnering with like-minded organizations to provide support and access to the expertise of our members.
The PIA has various ways to promote CPD validated and social events directly to the architectural fraternity. Below, the schedule of membership options summarize their benefits, which can be discussed and tailored to your specific needs.
- To promote the art, science, research and practice of architecture through talks, exhibitions, lectures and CPD events
- To serve the interests of its members through representation of various local and provincial bodies as well as the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP).
- To uphold the dignity of the profession through maintaining a code of conduct, professional competence, and integrity, which has been established by its affiliated bodies, the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) and SACAP.
- To Reduce the cost of events by partnering with suppliers to the industry.
SPONSORSHIPS OF EVENTS ensure that both suppliers to the industry and the members of the Institute benefit. Your involvement ensures exposure for your products and reduces the cost of attendance for the delegates, which again encourages more attendance – thus more exposure to the sponsors.
President/Professional Breakfasts - R5 000,00 excl. VAT
- No presentation
- Networking opportunity (Table to exhibit products, business cards + brochures)
- Logos on invitations and social media posts
- List of delegates who attended the event
Online Workshops - R5 000,00 excl. VAT
- 5-10 Minute presentation at beginning of the event.
- Logos on invitations and presentation on recordings - When Live - It is also streamed on Facebook.
- List of delegates who attended the event.
Live Events (In Person)
> Half Day Event - R7 500,00 excl. VAT
5-10 Minute presentation at beginning of the event.
> Full Day Event - R10000.00 excl. VAT
10-15 Minute Presentation at beginning of the event.
- Networking , Table Exhibit products, business cards and brochures
- Logos on invitations and Social Media posts.
- List of delegates who attended the event.
Other Events
Design Build Conference
R10 000,00 excl. VAT for each Sponsor
- 5 Minute Marketing Presentation
- 45 Minute Generic Presentation
- Business Affiliates are afforded first opportunity .
IDEA Design Conference, Awards of Merit, Exhibitions, etc.
Various cost
- These are tailored events - More Information will be shared
prior to advertising.
- Business Affiliates are afforded first opportunity.
> Monthly Newsletter sponsorship per issue R2000.00 excl. VAT
– Includes an Advert (of latest products) and logo of sponsor with link to website.
- Membership Certificate
- Your company logo on the PIA Website with a link to your website
- One Live (In person) / Online CPD Event per annum which includes a 10 minute marketing presentation, networking and distribution of marketing material. (See more information under Sponsor Benefits)
- Use of the information distribution service at the PIA office – to promote validated CPD events.
- Your company logo on PIA Newsflashes as an Affiliate Member
- Invitations to attend our talks and functions
- PIA Logo for your marketing Material
- Advert on one CPD Presentation Video / Short marketing presentation at one live event
- Free validation of a CPD event
- Membership Certificate
- Your company logo on the PIA Website with a link to your website
- Sponsorship - 1 Online Event per annum which includes 5-10 Minute Marketing presentation, logos on invitation, streaming on Facebook. (See more informaion under Sponsor Benefits)
- Use of the information distribution service at the PIA office – to promote validated CPD events.
- Your company logo on PIA Newsflashes as an Affiliate Member
- Invitations to attend our talks and functions
- PIA Logo for your marketing Material
- Membership Certificate
- Your company logo on the PIA Website with a link to your website
- One Breakfast sponsorship per annum which include your logo on invitation and social media, networking, exhibit of products with business cards and brochures. (See more information under Sponsor Benefits)
- Use of the information distribution service at the PIA office – to promote validated CPD events.
- Your company logo on PIA Newsflashes as an Affiliate Member
Becoming a PIA member is quick and easy,
simply register via the link below.
Please note, as a new member, there will be a once-off administrative fee of R150-00.
Rosemary Forum
356 Rosemary Road
012 346 1051
012 346 8438