You are invited to a world-class online CPD experience!
Title: Beyond Design: How to be an Architect (1.0 Cat 1 point)
1. I Thought I Knew How to Start my Own Architecture Business
2. I Thought I Knew What Developers want from Architects
3. I Thought I Knew how to be an Expert in an arbitration case
4. I Thought I Knew How to do work on a Heritage Building
5. I Thought I Knew How to Design sustainably with Water
If you are aged between 25 and 45 YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!
Click here to watch the previews
This course is for architects who want to learn more about business-related aspects of architecture, beyond the basics of designing great buildings.
HURRY, the first 50 people who type in “2020” in the coupon box when they check out, will receive a 20% discount!!
Course details:
Venue: Your coach, office, bed, car, daily walk
Time: Now until end July 2021
Cost R1799 or R1450 if you are one of the first 50 to register (type in “2020” in the coupon box when you checkout, then the discount will apply).
100% Money Back Guarantee
If you’re not 100% satisfied after taking this course, we’ll gladly refund you, no questions asked. (As long as your CPD certificate has not been issued yet)
Visit or email us at